A common target zone for seizure modulation (drugs, deep brain stimulation)?
Laufs, H., M. P. Richardson, A. Salek-Haddadi, C. Vollmar, J. S. Duncan, K. Gale, L. Lemieux, W. Loscher and M. J. Koepp (2011). "Converging PET and fMRI evidence for a common area involved in human focal epilepsies." Neurology (8.303) 77(9): 904-910.
In this work, we identify a subcortical brain region changing its activity with interictal discharges on the EEG across a variety of focal epilepsies. The analogous region was identified as a seizure modulating area in rats. We propose this region as a potential target for anti-convulsive or anti-epileptic treatment (pharmacologic, brain stimulation).